Renovation of Beit Midrash


The Beit Midrash is the heart and soul of Maskyot and is a center for finding deep
roots in Israeli heritage which broadens the students’ values perspective and strengthens beliefs, national vision and concerns for the future of the nation of Israel in the holy land.

It is located in a transportable structure measuring 70 square meters ( 753 square feet ) with an asbestos roof that was built 25 years ago. Its entrance, hall, walls, floors and furniture are in shabby condition, and hence the building is in dire need of a comprehensive upgrade. Moreover, the building is too small to contain all of the activities and needs to be expanded to 100 square meters ( 1076 square feet ).

The Beit Midrash fortifies the internal conviction that one must make sacrifices and give his soul for our nation within our homeland. Moreover, our students learn how to deal with Halachic issues and study the basics of the Shulchan Aroch, Talmudic matters, the laws of kashrut, Shabbat and more.

The Need The Cost (ILS)
Planning and supervision 15,000
Development work for expansions 50,000
Entrance (entrance door, stairs, balcony, pergola) 90,000
Extension of 30 meters 90,000
Interior walls 30,000
Flooring 25,000
Roof Replacement 70,000
Holy Ark 20,000
Furniture 40,000
Air Conditioning 20,000
Total Expenses 354,000₪